

Welcome to the UMBC Office of Environmental Safety & Health (ESH) website. ESH furnishes many services that provide the tools for a healthy and safe environment for the University Community. ESH serves the University Community by providing technical support, informational training, consultation, and periodic audits of environmental health and safety practices as well as regulatory compliance.

It is the goal of ESH to be a highly-valued partner with all UMBC faculty, staff, and students in order to facilitate completion of their work in a safe and compliant manner. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact ESH at (410) 455-2918 or esh@umbc.edu



In Case of Emergencies

Radiation Safety: (410) 706-7055

Campus Police: (410) 455-5555

Police/Fire Emergency: 911


Please report all safety concerns and near-miss incidents to esh@umbc.edu as soon as possible. Be sure to provide an adequate description as well as include any supporting documentation such as pictures or reports if feasible. This email is continuously monitored and if additional information is required a team member will contact you.

Safety concern – A consideration that encompasses all factors that impact the safety, health, and well-being of any UMBC community member.

Near-miss Incident – A potential hazard or incident in which no property was damaged and no personal injury was sustained, but where, given a slight shift in time or position, damage or injury easily could have occurred. Near misses also may be referred to as close calls, near accidents, or injury-free events. For the sake of a safe work environment, UMBC ESH asks that all community members report any of these potential hazards immediately.