Laboratory Door Signs

Informative door signs are an essential part in maintaining a safe and compliant laboratory. An updated door sign can inform entrants on the potential hazards within the space, proper PPE or specialized procedures required for entry, and emergency contact information. It is imperative that all laboratories have an updated door sign in order to assist emergency responders and Facilities Management personnel. Laboratories may create their own door sign or use the General Door Sign Generator application provided by ESH. Door Signs that are generated using the ESH application are provided free of charge to all UMBC laboratories. Once a door sign request is submitted; ESH will review, print, and deliver the finalized sign to the requestor. Listed below are some helpful tips for door signs:


  • Utilize the Door Sign Generator application provided by ESH
  • Review you chemical inventory and risk assessments to determine which hazard pictograms should be selected
  • Include current contact information and provide a phone number that is continuously monitored for emergencies. Please note that an office extension does not suffice for emergency contact unless it is continuously monitored
  • Door signs should be posted on all doors leading into the laboratory
  • Door signs should be updated regularly to reflect changes in personnel and research practices
  • Depending on the research being conducted, some laboratories may require multiple door signs in addition to a general door sign. Additional door signs can include a BSL-2 Door Sign, etc. Contact ESH for questions or for assistance with determination.


Contact UMBC ESH at or (5-2918) for questions or for assistance with applying for a laboratory door sign.