
The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), under the purview of the Office of Research Protections and Compliance (ORPC), reviews and authorizes all research with recombinant DNA and biohazardous materials. ESH assists with the IBC reviewal process and performs operational duties such as inspecting laboratories, responding to incidents, and managing the University’s biological waste disposal program. UMBC ESH and the ORPC assist Principle Investigators (PIs) with their responsibility of maintaining a safe laboratory that complies with all local, state, and federal regulations. Helpful resources for safety and compliance are listed below, for laboratories planning to conduct BSL-2 work please refer to the BSL-2 Laboratory Overview handout. Contact ESH at or 5-2918 with any questions or concerns.


Researchers conducting biological research are required to:

  • Register their protocols with the IBC
  • Prepare a biosafety manual
  • Complete appropriate biosafety training
  • Correct all deficiencies identified during their annual laboratory inspection
  • Ensure their biosafety cabinets are certified annually
  • Observe  all local, state, and federal regulations


U.S. Regulations and Guidelines