Bloodborne Pathogens

All employees who may have a potential occupational exposure to human blood, body fluids, unfixed tissue, human cells or cell lines, HIV, Hepatitis B, or other potentially infectious material are required to comply with the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP) Standard. Components of the Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP) Standard as well as UMBC specific components are as follows:

  1. Initial and annual Bloodborne Pathogen Training must be completed. New employees must initially complete training that will discuss BBP in addition to other laboratory safety topics. Initial training is incorporated into the Laboratory Biosafety training and Annual BBP Refresher training. Visit the Training Webpage for more information on accessing BBP training.
  2. Receive a Hepatitis B vaccination from Retriever Integrated Health or submit a Hepatitis B Vaccination Declination Form to ESH prior to starting work.
  3. If teaching or conducting research, consult with the Office of Research Protections and Compliance to determine if IBC approval is required.
  4. Establish or adopt a laboratory specific Exposure Control Plan (ECP) and make it available to employees. A copy of UMBC’s current exposure control plan can be found linked below.

