Shop Safety

UMBC utilizes workshops and maker spaces across campus for a variety of tasks, including metal fabrication, woodworking, painting, and glass making. Working in shops routinely involves the operation of powered tools, equipment, and machinery that can present various hazards to shop users.

The Shop Safety Program establishes safe work standards and guidelines so that employees and students who work in shops are aware of the hazards in their work area. All shop users are highly encouraged to review this Program to ensure awareness of shop safety requirements and best practices.

Shops at UMBC are required to develop and maintain a Shop Safety Plan that contains pertinent safety information related to their shop and the type of work that is performed.

General Shop Safety Guidelines:

  • Only trained, authorized employees or students may operate equipment, tools, or machinery in the shop.
  • Avoid working alone in the shop whenever possible.
  • Students utilizing shop equipment shall be supervised by a faculty member or designated instructor.
  • Secure shops when not being attended or used.
  • Do not let tools, equipment, or machinery run unattended.
  • Always wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when operating shop equipment, tools, or machinery.
  • Long hair shall be secured/tied back when working in the shop area.
  • Loose clothing such as long sleeves or shirt-tails shall be tucked in, rolled up, or otherwise secured while in the shop area. Neckties, hood strings, and jewelry such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, and dangling earrings shall not be worn.
  • Gloves are prohibited when operating machinery with rotating parts where they could potentially get snagged or caught.
  • Wear footwear that is appropriate for the work environment and protects against slipping and dropped objects as needed. Open-toed shoes and sandals/flip-flops are prohibited in all shops.
  • Shop areas shall be kept in a clean and orderly manner.
    • Debris such as sawdust, ships, shavings, and other debris shall be cleaned from floors, machinery, bench tops, and other common surfaces at a frequency necessary to maintain a safe and sanitary environment and to prevent hazardous/combustible accumulation of dirt, debris, and dust.
    • Wet or slippery surfaces shall be cleaned in a timely manner to prevent slips and falls.
    • Food and drinks are prohibited in the shop except in designated break areas.
  • Shops shall be sufficiently illuminated to allow for safe operation of equipment, machinery and tools.
  • Materials, including chemicals and other hazardous material, shall be stored in a safe manner to prevent fire, combustion, leaks, spilling, or falling.

Know the locations of emergency exits, fire extinguishers, and first aid kits.